130 +Teachers
32 +Government Staff
Vaavu Atoll Education Center was established in 21st February 1986. This school has been striving to provide education to the students of Vaavu atoll for the last 38 years. The school has emerged as an exemplary institution with remarkable success in curricular and cocurricular areas in the national and atoll level. Currently 131 students are studying from Foundation stage (kindergarten) to grade 10.
The V.A.E.C is to produce well civilised, educated and cultured students with abundant love for Islam.
We work for the all-round development of each child to make him/her a better citizen. We will inculcate brotherhood and love for Islam. We will ensure equal opportunities and preferences to each child to excel both in academic and extra-curricular activities. We will motivate our students to face the present challenges and compete with present world.