371 +Teachers
32 +Government Staff
Thinadhoo School (Thinadhoo City)
To develop every student of Thinadhoo school to represent good religious and patriotic morals, exhibit scholastic excellence, portray ethical, dynamic and initiative behavior.
1. To teach students to respect the basic tenets of Islam and to become patriotic citizens of the Maldives. 2. To ensure that the students grow up to be responsible and well-behaved members of society, making all efforts to provide them with a proper Islamic upbringing. 3. To provide students with an education and to include in them various skills necessary in life. 4. To inculcate in students the capacity to remain aware of various events and happening specifically in their own environment and in the in general. 5. To teach students to be prepared for events that could possibly take place in the future. 6. To provide students with opportunities to take their own initiative and to train them to steer their own lives wherever circumstances permit them to do so.