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Shaviyani. Atoll

Lhaimagu School

Opened: 12 June 1980



154 +


31 +

Government Staff

15 +
This information is shared by the school to the ministry.

School Introduction

Lhaimagu School was registered 43 years ago but started teaching about 60 years ago. In those days, it was taught under the name of Lhaimagu Maktab. Lhaimagu Makthab was registered on June 12, 1980. It was then renamed ""Lhaimagu School"" and re-registered on February 6, 1997, 28 Ramadan 1417H. Lhaimagu was the capital island of the northern part of Miladunmadulu. Therefore, the Atoll School was in Lhaimagu before. When the Atoll school was closed, the school continued to run as a Roshani Makthab.

Motto Patience and loyalty are the keys to success

Make Lhaimagu School an exemplary school among small population schools


The vision of Lhaimagu School is to raise children who will work patiently and loyally for Islam, themselves, and the country.

Contact Us

Lhaimagu School logo
Sh. Lhaimagu
Lhaimagu School, Ameeneemagu, Sh. Lhaimagu, 03110
+960 6540578