332 +Teachers
47 +Government Staff
Thulhaadhoo School was established on 17 August 1936 (29 Jumadul Awwal 1355H). The school was registered on 6 February 1967 as “Maktab-ul-Hidaya”. On 16 February 1978 the name of “Maktab-ul-Hidaya” was changed to “Thulhaadhoo Primary School''. On 8 November 1998, the name of the school was changed from “Thulhaadhoo Primary School” to “Thulhaadhoo School”. It is the third school registered in Maldives as an educational center. The school became a government school on 1 February 2000. The founder of this school was “Dhon Ismail Katheebu''. First teacher was Sh. Kanditheem Ibrahim Ali (Don Ibrahim Kaleyfaanu). The school offers education from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 4. The school offers Business stream and Science stream as well as BTEC stream.