65 +Teachers
27 +Government Staff
Rinbudhoo School is a government school under the Ministry of Education. The main goal of this school is to implement the National Curriculum in accordance with the Government of Maldives education policy, to conduct extracurricular activities to achieve the objectives of the National Curriculum and to work with parents and citizens as widely as possible. From the foundation stage, with 1 class in each grade to grade 10, the school provides educational opportunities to prepare students for the 21st century by facilitating them to learn, explore, experience and research productively through the formal learning system. The school offers combined stream education. Also, under vocational education, some B.Tech stream students are studying. In 2024, a total of 69 students will attend the school from foundation level to grade 10. It’s a single session school. The class is held from 07:05 am to 12:05 pm. The school employs a total of 33 staff including teachers and administrative staff.
Our Vision at Rinbudhoo School is to instill the pupils love and respect for the Islam, community and nation, and desire to achieve their fullest potential, so that they can make their best contribution to the school, society as responsible citizens.
Our mission at Rinbudhoo School is to provide academic programmes that support to improve all of our students' intellectual, physical, social, and moral experience through caring, happy, friendly and supportive environment that fosters student success and satisfaction with the educational experiences.