215 +Teachers
30 +Government Staff
Madifushi School is a government school that aims to build responsible citizens who abides by the principles of Islam, striving to achieve academic excellence in education and extra-cocurricular activities and make the community proud. In the name of Madifushi Makthab, this school came into existence on 25th June 1980. The school was renamed on 03rd July 1986 as Madifushi Madharusa. Now, this school is known as Madifushi School. Currently, the school teachers from LKG to grade 10 and 228 students are studying in 2024.
The Vision of Madifushi School is to uplift every child through quality instructions and preparing them to be Faithful Muslims, Noble Citizens, Responsible individuals, Honest Leaders, Open Minded and Lifelong Learners
The Mission of Madifushi School is to mould every child in the principles of Islam and to progress in academic excellence to be a productive citizen.