190 +Teachers
52 +Government Staff
Huvadhoo School was originally operated as two separate schools in different villages . These were Maktab-ul-Jihad, which opened on 27th December 1976 in Fares and Maathoda School, which opened on 23rd June in Maathoda. On 11th May 2003, these two schools were merged under one roof, officially forming Huvadhoo School.
We, the community of Huvadhoo School, envision our school to be a highly respected institution with stable, team-based leadership that delivers innovative, child-friendly and superior academic and life-skills education, in line with the principles of Islam and Maldivian identity.
Huvadhoo School will offer all students a safe and supportive environment in which opportunities for learning experiences will be provided to promote a passion to meet high standards, become life-long learners and cultivate responsibility to self and community.