A dedicated platform named "Uloomi Ashi" has been officially inaugurated as a means to share professional information, experiences gained from training, and knowledge acquired through research among the staff of the National Institute of Education (NIE). The ceremony was held in the NIE's seminar room.
The "Uloomi Ashi" was inaugurated by the Minister of State for Education, Dr. Abdul Latheef Mohamed, who graced the ceremony.
In his speech after inaugurating "Uloomi Ashi," State Minister Dr. Latheef highlighted the importance of such platforms for institutions like NIE.
He further emphasized in his speech that the most important purpose of such platforms is not just the exchange of information. Instead, he said it is important that the shared information brings about desirable changes for the staff, the work, and the environment as well. He also stated that even on trips abroad, it's not just about sharing information from training sessions, but also about connecting what is seen and experienced to one's own environment and community, and being mindful of the conveniences and benefits that could result for the work.