The Ministry of Education is taking proactive steps to ensure students are enrolled in schools promptly for the upcoming academic year. As part of this initiative, students who are transferring from their current school to a different island school for the 2025 academic year must submit their applications by the deadline of 06 March 2025.
If students wish to transfer to a school in another island, parents are required to submit the "Request for Transfer from School to Another Island School" form to the student's current school. This form is available for download on the Ministry of Education’s official website.
As the 2025 academic year is set to begin following the final ten days of Ramadan and the Eid al-Fitr holidays, all student enrollment activities will be finalized by the 15th of Ramadan (15 March 2025).
In addition, the ministry has informed schools that students will not be transferred from one school to another during the remainder of the 2024 academic year as this is the time for examinations, assessments and student report forms.